Top events in Zurich Our careful selection of special offers and events will make it easier for you to choose from the vast number of possibilities that Zurich has to offer at any time of the day or year.
Art on Ice PhotoSchweiz ZüriCarneval Zürich Marathon Sechseläuten Cycle Week IRONMAN 70.3 Switzerland in Rapperswil-Jona Ballett für alle blues’n’jazz Rapperswil-Jona Street Parade – Die grösste Techno-Party der Welt in Zürich Allianz Cinema – Das Open-Air-Kino am Zürichsee Weltklasse Zürich – Internationales Leichtathletik-Meeting Zürich Openair Zürcher Theater Spektakel Dörflifäscht Lange Nacht der Zürcher Museen